On 9th of May, Mei Zhou to represent Schaffer & Partner’s Asia Desk attended “Shenzhen meets Prague, Advanced Manufacturing Investment Seminar” which was hosted by Governance Institute and attended by delegation from the Chinese province of Shenzhen. Czechinvest and Czech Government together with Czech business entities attended meeting and presented business opportunities in Czech Republic.
The delegation from the Chinese province of Shenzhen were both government and private institutions who are willing to establish new business relations with Czech companies. These institutions are Invest Shenzhen, Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, Department of Airport of Transport Commision of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen City Merchants Industrial Co., LTD. and Sany Group Co. ,LTD.
Mrs. Zhou from Schaffer and Partner’s Asia Desk introduced Schaffer&Partner’s services range in order to support their business within the legal and tax framework.