The audit department of Schaffer & Partner will provide you not only with audit services, but also with other services that are directly or indirectly related to the audit of companies.
These are primarily as follows:
- Mandatory audits according to Act No. 93/2009 Coll. on auditors, meaning the auditing of ordinary, extraordinary and interim financial statements compiled according to Czech accounting regulations and required by the laws of the Czech Republic;
- Mandatory audits of consolidated financial statements compiled according to Czech regulations and required by the laws of the Czech Republic;
- The auditing of consolidated documents compiled according to the auditing instructions of parent companies;
- The auditing of ordinary and extraordinary financial statements compiled according to accounting regulations other than those valid in the Czech Republic according to IFRS or US GAAP.
The high quality of audit services is accompanied by a personal approach and contacts with key personnel of our clients. This personal approach enables us to resolve all potential problems in a timely manner and to the full satisfaction of not only our clients but also the staff of their parent companies.