We would like to draw your attention to the approaching deadline for taxable persons not based in the EU to apply for a refund of Czech VAT for 2022.
The deadline for submitting the application is June 30, 2023. After this deadline the right to VAT refund expires.
The application for VAT refund is to be submitted to the Tax Authority for the City of Prague (Finanční úřad pro hlavní město Prahu) on a form prescribed by the Ministry of Finance. The application may only be submitted in written form, not electronically.
The tax is not refundable on goods and services provided for personal consumption, travel and accommodation costs, entertainment goods and services, telephone charges, taxis and fuel.
The tax will be refunded if the amount of the refund is at least CZK 1,000 for a period of one calendar year or a period of less than 3 months if it is the rest of the calendar year. In the case of applications submitted during the year, it is possible to claim if the amount of tax refunded is at least CZK 7,000 and the period is not less than 3 months.