Real Estate Law

This area is a hot topic for most of our clients - whether they are buying a property for personal use or for their business. We understand this and try to think about potential risks before they become liabilities (whether in due diligence or in the preparation of the documentation and negotiations). After all, anyone who has experience with land registry knows that the process does not always go completely smoothly. That is why, in addition to the preparation of classic contractual documentation (purchase or gift agreements, pledge agreements and other security institutes), we also provide a lawyer's escrow service.

Of course, you don't have to buy the property right away - we can also advise you should you wish to obtain a lease, tax implications included. It is not difficult to prepare a lease agreement, but do you know how to depreciate technical improvements or pay VAT?

We also cooperate with several expert institutes and veterans in the valuation of real estate or the determination of normal rent (for example, for transfer pricing purposes).

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