The scheme, titled “Ukraine System” will enable Ukrainian applicants for stay permits (employment, blue card) to avoid compulsory registration of the application submission term via the Visapoint system which is not practically usable as the vacant terms are “occupied” by several hacker groups and then re-sold to the applicants. Hence, the chances of submitting the application are minimal.
The scheme is to work in the following fashion: a Czech employer will apply for filing of the position into a special regime and communicate the personal data of the Ukrainian employee-to-be; subsequently, a term for the application submission will be offered by the Ukrainian Embassy without the necessity to monitor the Visapoint system.
Except for the requirements that are to be met by the employers (it is necessary for them to have employed at least 10 persons in the past 2 years and meet the tax requirements), the position in question needs to be listed in the CZ-ISCO classification system in the main Class “Nos. 4 to 8 in the area of industry, services and public sector” and offered to Czech job applicants for the period of at least 30 days.
After the application has been submitted, the usual immigration procedure will take place during which consideration of the conditions of the application itself is to be given.