While businesspersons doing business in hospitality and hotel industry are counting down days remaining to the launch of the first stage of the introduction of the electronic records of sales starting on 1 December (a date which a good many of them highlighted in red in their calendars), those unconcerned ponder how/whether the governmental scheme will affect them.
The uncertainty may be reduced by the fact that the financial administration introduced two (at the moment still inactive) links bringing possibilities for dealing with (non-)issued receipts: the first one is called “Receipt Verification”, which will enable the receipt owner to find out whether the VAT connected with it has been paid, and the other one boasts the title of “Report on Non-issuance of a Receipt”, which will make it possible to inform the financial administration that you were not given the bill for the services/goods you had bought and, as a result of such act, the culprit could be deservedly punished. There are many, though, who do not see such practice fit on grounds of not-so-good manners and some even feel indignant that it may be even deemed incitement to denunciation caused by envy however hiding under the cover of pseudo-ethical justice.
The Hamlet’s choice whether or not the links should be used is to be considered case by case and, like it or not, is yours…